Package 'baldur'

Title: Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling for Label-Free Proteomics
Description: Statistical decision in proteomics data using a hierarchical Bayesian model. There are two regression models for describing the mean-variance trend, a gamma regression or a latent gamma mixture regression. The regression model is then used as an Empirical Bayes estimator for the prior on the variance in a peptide. Further, it assumes that each measurement has an uncertainty (increased variance) associated with it that is also inferred. Finally, it tries to estimate the posterior distribution (by Hamiltonian Monte Carlo) for the differences in means for each peptide in the data. Once the posterior is inferred, it integrates the tails to estimate the probability of error from which a statistical decision can be made. See Berg and Popescu for details (<doi:10.1101/2023.05.11.540411>).
Authors: Philip Berg [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Philip Berg <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-03-13 06:05:50 UTC

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The 'baldur' package.


baldur is a Bayesian hierarchical model for statistical decision in proteomics data. It models the mean-variance trend with the option of two different regression models, a gamma regression or a latent gamma mixture regression. It then the regression model as en Empirical Bayes estimator for the prior on the variance. Further, it assumes that each measurement has an uncertainty (increased variance) associated with it that it also infers. Finally, it tries to estimate the posterior distribution (by Hamiltonian Monte Carlo) for the differences in means for each peptide in the data. Once the posterior is inferred, it integrates the tails to estimate the probability of error from which a statistical decision can be made.


Maintainer: Philip Berg [email protected] (ORCID)


Berg George Popescu (2023) "Baldur: Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling for Label-Free Proteomics with Gamma Regressing Mean-Variance Trends" Molecular & Cellular Proteomics: 2023-12.

Stan Development Team (2022). RStan: the R interface to Stan. R package version 2.21.5.

See Also

Useful links:

Baldur's empirical Bayes Prior For The Mean In Conditions


Here we assume that the sample mean of each condition is an estimator for the center of the mean prior. In addition, it assumes that the confidence in the prior is proportional to the variance of the peptide.




A stanmodel that can be used in infer_data_and_decision_model.


The Stan code for this model is given by:

S4 class stanmodel 'empirical_bayes' coded as follows:
data {
  int<lower=0> N;     // number of data items
  int<lower=0> K;     // number of conditions
  int C;              // number of comparisons to perform
  matrix[N, K] x;     // design matrix
  vector[N] y;        // data
  matrix[K, C] c;     // contrast matrix
  real alpha;         // alpha prior for gamma
  real beta;          // beta prior for gamma
  vector[N] u;        // uncertainty
  vector[K] mu_not;   // prior mu
transformed data{
  vector[K] n_k;      // per condition reciprocal measurements
  row_vector[C] n_c;  // per comparison measurements
  matrix[K, C] abs_c; // abs of C for n_c calculation
  for (i in 1:K) {
    for (j in 1:C) {
      abs_c[i, j] = abs(c[i, j]);
  for (i in 1:K) {
    n_k[i] = 1/sum(x[,i]);
  n_c = n_k' * abs_c;
  n_c = sqrt(n_c);
  n_k = sqrt(2*n_k);
parameters {
  vector[K] mu;           // mean vector
  real<lower=0> sigma;    // error scale
  array[C] real y_diff;   // difference in coefficients
  vector[K] eta;          // Error in mean
  vector[K] prior_mu_not; // Estimation error
transformed parameters{
  row_vector[C] mu_diff = mu' * c;      // differences in means
  vector[K] sigma_mu_not = sigma * n_k; // variance of ybars
  vector[C] sigma_lfc = sigma * n_c';   // variance of y_diff
model {
  sigma        ~ gamma(alpha, beta);                        // variance
  eta          ~ normal(0, 1);                              // NCP auxilary variable
  prior_mu_not ~ normal(mu_not, sigma_mu_not);              // Prior mean
  mu           ~ normal(prior_mu_not + sigma * eta, sigma); // mean
  y            ~ normal(x * mu, sigma * u);                 // data model
  y_diff       ~ normal(mu_diff, sigma_lfc);                // difference statistic

Estimate Gamma hyperparameters for sigma



Estimates the hyperparameters for the Bayesian data and decision model. estimate_gamma_hyperparameters is a wrapper that adds new columns to the data (one for alpha and one for betas). Note that for lgmr objects, the estimate_beta function assumes that the data is ordered as when the model was fitted. If this is not the case, theta's will be incorrectly matched with peptides—resulting in wrong estimates of beta parameters. On the other hand, estimate_gamma_hyperparameters will temporarily sort the data as when fitted and the sort it back as it was input to the function.


estimate_gamma_hyperparameters(reg, data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'glm'
estimate_gamma_hyperparameters(reg, data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'lgmr'
estimate_gamma_hyperparameters(reg, data, id_col, ...)

estimate_beta(reg, mean, ...)

## S3 method for class 'glm'
estimate_beta(reg, mean, alpha, ...)

## S3 method for class 'lgmr'
estimate_beta(reg, mean, m, s, ...)



A glm Gamma regression or a lgmr object


A tibble or data.frame to add gamma priors to


Currently not in use


A character for the name of the column containing the name of the features in data (e.g., peptides, proteins, etc.)


The mean value of the peptide


The alpha parameter of the peptide


The mean of the means


The sd of the means


estimate_gamma_hyperparameters returns a tibble or data.frame with the alpha,beta hyperparameters estimates as new columns.

estimate_beta returns estimates of the beta parameter(s)


# Setup model matrix
design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + factor(rep(1:2, each = 3)))
colnames(design) <- paste0("ng", c(50, 100))

# Normalize data
yeast_norm <- yeast %>%
    psrn("identifier") %>%
    # Get mean-variance trends

# Fit gamma regression (could also have been a lgmr model)
gam_reg <- fit_gamma_regression(yeast_norm, sd ~ mean)

# Estimate priors
gam_reg %>%

# Can also explicitly estimate the beta parameters
# Note this is order sensitive.
estimate_beta(gam_reg, yeast_norm$mean, 1/summary(gam_reg)$dispersion)

Estimate measurement uncertainty



Estimates the measurement uncertainty for each data point using a Gamma regression. Calculated as the expected standard deviation for each measurement:


where ω\omega are the regression parameters and ff is a function describing the mean relationship between sis_i and yijy_{ij}.


estimate_uncertainty(reg, data, id_col, design_matrix)

## S3 method for class 'glm'
estimate_uncertainty(reg, data, id_col, design_matrix)

## S3 method for class 'lgmr'
estimate_uncertainty(reg, data, id_col, design_matrix)



A glm gamma regression or lgmr object


A tibble or data.frame


A character for the name of the column containing the name of the features in data (e.g., peptides, proteins, etc.)


Cell mean design matrix for the data


A matrix with the uncertainty


# Setup model matrix
design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + factor(rep(1:2, each = 3)))
colnames(design) <- paste0("ng", c(50, 100))

yeast_norm <- yeast %>%
  # Remove missing data
  tidyr::drop_na() %>%
  # Normalize data
  psrn("identifier") %>%
  # Add mean-variance trends
# Fit the gamma regression
gam <- fit_gamma_regression(yeast_norm, sd ~ mean)
# Estimate each data point's uncertainty
estimate_uncertainty(gam, yeast_norm, 'identifier', design)

Function for Fitting the Mean-Variance Gamma Regression Models



fit_gamma_regression returns a glm object containing the gamma regression for the mean-variance trend.


fit_gamma_regression(data, formula = sd ~ mean, ...)



a data.frame to generate the mean-variance trends for. It should contain columns with conditions named as the column names in design (presumably with some suffix).


a formula describing the model


only for compatibility with other functions


fit_gamma_regression returns a glm object


# Generate a design matrix for the data
design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + factor(rep(1:2, each = 3)))

# Set correct colnames, this is important for calculate_mean_sd_trends
colnames(design) <- paste0("ng", c(50, 100))

# Normalize and log-transform the data
yeast_norm <- psrn(yeast, "identifier") %>%
  # Add row means and variances

# Fit gamma regression model for the mean-variance trends
gamma_model <- fit_gamma_regression(yeast_norm, sd ~ mean)

Fit Latent Gamma Mixture Regression



See lgmr_model for model details.


  model = lgmr_model,
  iter = 6000,
  warmup = 1500,
  chains = 5,
  cores = 1,
  return_stanfit = FALSE,
  simplify = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'lgmr'
  simplify = x$simplify,
  pars = c("auxiliary", "coefficients"),
  digits = 3,

## S3 method for class 'lgmr'
coef(object, simplify = FALSE, pars = c("coefficients", "auxiliary"), ...)



A data.frame with mean-variance trends to use in the fitting. The columns need to have the following hard-coded names: mean and sd.


A character for the name of the column containing the name of the features in data (e.g., peptides, proteins, etc.). Has to be a unique identifier for each feature.


Defaults to lgmr_model (see it for details on the model), can also be an user supplied stan_model()


Total number of samples to draw


Number of warm-up samples to draw


Number of chains to run


Number of cores to use per chain


Should the stanfit object be returned with the model?


Should only the mean estimates of the posterior be returned?


Additional arguments to rstan's sampling. Does nothing for print or coef only for fit_lgmr.

x, object

An lgmr model.


If you want to print/extract the regression coefficients, theta, auxiliary (alpha and NRMSE), or all


Number of digits to print


A fitted lgmr model.


# Define design matrix
design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + factor(rep(1:2, each = 3)))
colnames(design) <- paste0("ng", c(50, 100))

# Normalize data, calculate M-V trend, and fit LGMR model
yeast_lgmr <- yeast %>%
    # Remove missing values
    tidyr::drop_na() %>%
    # Normalize
    psrn("identifier") %>%
    # Add the mean-variance trends
    calculate_mean_sd_trends(design) %>%
    # Fit the model
# Print everything except thetas
print(yeast_lgmr, pars = c("coefficients", "auxiliary"))
# Extract the mean of the model parameters posterior
yeast_lgmr_pars <- coef(yeast_lgmr, pars = 'all', simplify = TRUE)

Sample the Posterior of the data and decision model and generate point estimates



Function to sample the posterior of the Bayesian data and decision model. It first produces the needed inputs for Stan's sampling() for each peptide (or protein, PTM, etc.). It then runs the sampling for the data and decision model. From the posterior, it then collects estimates and sampling statistics from the posterior of data model and integrates the decision distribution D. It then returns a tibble() with all the information for each peptide's posterior (see Value below). There are major time gains to be made by running this procedure in parallel. infer_data_and_decision_model has an efficient wrapper around multidplyr. This will let you to evenly distribute all peptides evenly to each worker. E.g., two workers will each run half of the peptides in parallel.


  stan_model = empirical_bayes,
  clusters = 1,
  h_not = 0,
  auxiliary_columns = c(),



A tibble or data.frame with alpha,beta priors annotated


A character for the name of the column containing the name of the features in data (e.g., peptides, proteins, etc.)


A design matrix for the data. For the empirical_bayes prior only mean models are allowed (see example). For the weakly_informative prior more complicated design can be used.


A contrast matrix of the decisions to test. Columns should sum to 0 and only mean comparisons are allowed. That is, the absolute value of the positive and negative values in each column has to sum to 2. E.g., a column can be [0.5, 0.5, -1⁠]⁠T^T but not [1, 1, -1⁠]⁠T^T or [0.5, 0.5, -2⁠]⁠T^T. That is, sum(abs(x))=2 where x is a column in the contrast matrix.


A matrix of observation specific uncertainties


Which Bayesian model to use. Defaults to empirical_bayes but also allows weakly_informative, or an user supplied function.


The number of parallel threads/workers to run on.


The value of the null hypothesis for the difference in means


Names of columns in the design matrix that does not have corresponding data in the data set. For example, this can be co-founding variables such as bashes.


Additional arguments passed to rstan::sampling. Note that verbose will always be forced to FALSE to avoid console flooding.


The data model of Baldur assumes that the observations of a peptide, Y\boldsymbol{Y}, is a normally distributed with a standard deviation, σ\sigma, common to all measurements. In addition, it assumes that each measurement has a unique uncertainty uu. It then models all measurements in the same condition with a common mean μ\mu. It then assumes that the common variation of the peptide is caused by the variation in the μ\mu As such, it models μ\mu with the common variance σ\sigma and a non-centered parametrization for condition level effects.

YN(Xμ,σu)μN(μ0+ησ,σ)\boldsymbol{Y}\sim\mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol{X}\boldsymbol{\mu},\sigma\boldsymbol{u})\quad \boldsymbol{\mu}\sim\mathcal{N}(\mu_0+\boldsymbol{\eta}\sigma,\sigma)

It then assumes σ\sigma to be gamma distributed with hyperparameters infered from either a gamma regression fit_gamma_regression or a latent gamma mixture regression fit_lgmr.


For details on the two priors for μ0\mu_0 see empirical_bayes or weakly_informative. Baldur then builds a posterior distribution of the difference(s) in means for contrasts of interest. In addition, Baldur increases the precision of the decision as the number of measurements increase. This is done by weighting the sample size with the contrast matrix. To this end, Baldur limits the possible contrast of interest such that each column must sum to zero, and the absolute value of each column must sum to two. That is, only mean comparisons are allowed.

DN(μTK,σξ),ξi=c=1Ckcmnc1\boldsymbol{D}\sim\mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol{\mu}^\text{T}\boldsymbol{K},\sigma\boldsymbol{\xi}),\quad \xi_{i}=\sqrt{\sum_{c=1}^{C}|k_{cm}|n_c^{-1}}

where K\boldsymbol{K} is a contrast matrix of interest and kcmk_{cm} is the contrast of the c:th condition in the m:th contrast of interest, and ncn_c is the number of measurements in the c:th condition. Baldur then integrates the tails of D\boldsymbol{D} to determine the probability of error.


where H0H_0 is the null hypothesis for the difference in means, Φ\Phi is the CDF of the standard normal, μD\boldsymbol{\mu}_{\boldsymbol{D}} is the posterior mean of D\boldsymbol{D}, τD\boldsymbol{\tau}_{\boldsymbol{D}} is the posterior precision of D\boldsymbol{D}, and \odot is the Hadamard product.


A tibble() or data.frame() annotated with statistics of the posterior and p(error). err is the probability of error, i.e., the two tail-density supporting the null-hypothesis, lfc is the estimated log2\log_2-fold change, sigma is the common variance, and lp is the log-posterior. Columns without suffix shows the mean estimate from the posterior, while the suffixes ⁠_025⁠, ⁠_50⁠, and ⁠_975⁠, are the 2.5, 50.0, and 97.5, percentiles, respectively. The suffixes ⁠_eff⁠ and ⁠_rhat⁠ are the diagnostic variables returned by Stan. In general, a larger ⁠_eff⁠ indicates effective sample size and ⁠_rhat⁠ indicates the mixing within chains and between the chains and should be smaller than 1.05 (please see the Stan manual for more details). In addition it returns a column warnings with potential warnings given by the sampler.


# (Please see the vignette for a tutorial)
# Setup model matrix
design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + factor(rep(1:2, each = 3)))
colnames(design) <- paste0("ng", c(50, 100))

yeast_norm <- yeast %>%
# Remove missing data
  tidyr::drop_na() %>%
  # Normalize data
  psrn('identifier') %>%
  # Add mean-variance trends

# Fit the gamma regression
gam <- fit_gamma_regression(yeast_norm, sd ~ mean)

# Estimate each data point's uncertainty
unc <- estimate_uncertainty(gam, yeast_norm, 'identifier', design)

yeast_norm <- gam %>%
   # Add hyper-priors for sigma
# Setup contrast matrix
contrast <- matrix(c(-1, 1), 2)

yeast_norm %>%
  head() %>% # Just running a few for the example
    clusters = 1 # I highly recommend increasing the number of parallel workers/clusters
                 # this will greatly reduce the time of running baldur

Latent Gamma Regression Model


Baldur has the option to use the Latent Gamma Regression Model (LGMR). This model attempts to estimate local Mean-Variance (M-V) trend for each peptide (or protein, PTM, etc.). To this end is describes the M-V trend as a regression with a common link function and a latent one. While there may not be a latent trend in real data, it allows for a mathematical description that can estimate the local trends of each peptide. The model describes the standard deviation (S) as a gamma random variable with mean dependency described by the sample mean (yˉ\bar{y}):


μ=exp(γ0γyˉf(yˉ))+κexp(θ(γ0LγyˉLf(yˉ)),f(x)=xμyˉσyˉ\boldsymbol{\mu}=\exp(\gamma_0-\gamma_{\bar{y}}\,f(\boldsymbol{\bar{y}})) + \kappa \exp(\boldsymbol{\theta}(\gamma_{0L}-\gamma_{\bar{y}L}\,f(\boldsymbol{\bar{y}})),\quad f(\boldsymbol{x})=\frac{\boldsymbol{x}-\mu_{\bar{y}}}{\sigma_{\bar{y}}}

Here, exp(γ0γyˉf(yˉ))\exp(\gamma_0-\gamma_{\bar{y}}f(\boldsymbol{\bar{y}})) is the common trend of the regression. Then, the mixing variable, θ\boldsymbol{\theta}, describes the proportion of the mixture that each peptide has, and κ\kappa is just some small constant such that when θ\theta is zero the latent term is small.


Next we will describe the hierarchical prior setup for the regression variables. For α\alpha baldur uses a half-Cauchy as a weakly informative prior:


For the latent contribution to the i:th peptide, θi\theta_i, has an uniform distribution:

θiU(0,1)\theta_i\sim\mathcal{U}(0, 1)

Further, it can be seen that Baldur assumes that S always decreases (on average) with the sample mean. To this end, both slopes (γyˉ,γyˉL\gamma_{\bar{y}},\gamma_{\bar{y}L}) are defined on the real positive line. Hence, we used Half-Normal (HN) distributions to describe the slope parameters:

γyˉHN(1)\gamma_{\bar{y}}\sim HN(1)

γyˉLHN(1)\gamma_{\bar{y}L}\sim HN(1)

For the intercepts, we assume a standard normal prior for the common intercept. Then, we use a skew-normal to model the latent intercept. The reason for this is two-fold, one, κ\kappa will decrease the value of the latent term and, two, to push the latent trend upwards. The latter reason is so that the latent intercept is larger than the common and so that the priors prioritize a shift in intercept over a increase in slope. For the intercepts, Baldur uses a standard normal prior for the common intercept.


While for the latent trend, it uses a skew-normal (SN) to push up the second trend and to counteract the shrinkage of κ\kappa.



A stanmodel that can be used in fit_lgmr.


The Stan code for this model is given by:

S4 class stanmodel 'lgmr_model' coded as follows:
functions {
  // mu
  vector reg_function(
    vector x,
    vector theta,
    real I,
    real I_L,
    real S,
    real S_L,
    int N
    ) {
    vector[N] exp_beta  = .001*exp(theta .* (I_L - S_L*x));
              exp_beta +=      exp(I - S*x);
    return exp_beta;
data {
  int<lower=0> N;       // Number of observations
  vector<lower=0>[N] y; // sd
  vector[N] x;          // mean
transformed data {
  real v_y = variance(y);                      // for NRMSE
  vector[N] x_star = (x - mean(x))/sd(x);      // f(y_bar)
  vector[3] lb = [0, 0, negative_infinity()]'; // Boundaries normal coefs.
parameters {
  real<lower = 0> alpha;                 // Shape
  vector<lower = lb>[3] eta;             // For S, S_L, I
  vector<lower = 0, upper = 1>[N] theta; // Mixture parameter
  real I_L;                              // Intercept Latent
transformed parameters {
  real<lower = 0> S   = eta[1]; // Slope common
  real<lower = 0> S_L = eta[2]; // Slope Latent
  real I              = eta[3]; // Intercep common
model {
  alpha         ~ cauchy(0, 25);
  eta           ~ std_normal();
  I_L           ~ skew_normal(2, 15,  35);
  theta         ~ beta(1, 1);
    vector[N] exp_beta = reg_function(x_star, theta, I, I_L, S, S_L, N);
    // Likelihood
    y ~ gamma(alpha, alpha ./ exp_beta);
generated quantities {
  // NRMSE calculations
  real nrmse;
    vector[N] se = reg_function(x_star, theta, I, I_L, S, S_L, N);
    se -= y;
    se  = square(se);
    nrmse = mean(se) / v_y;
  nrmse = sqrt(nrmse);

Visualization of LGMR models


[Experimental] Options to plot the LGMR model. plot_lgmr_regression will plot the data colored by the amount of latent trend they have as well as the two extreme regression cases when θ\theta is zero or one. plot_regression_field will plot the local regression trend for each data point as a vector field and color the vector based on the derivative at the mean of the peptide.



plot_regression_field(model, n = 10, rng = 10)



An LGMR model object


Number of interpolation points for each peptides regression


The proportional range of each peptides regression. E.g., a value of 10 will make each line span 1 % of the x-axis.


A ggplot object


#' # Define design matrix
design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + factor(rep(1:2, each = 3)))
colnames(design) <- paste0("ng", c(50, 100))

# Normalize data, calculate M-V trend, and fit LGMR model
yeast_lgmr <- yeast %>%
    # Remove missing values
    tidyr::drop_na() %>%
    # Normalize
    psrn("identifier") %>%
    # Add the mean-variance trends
    calculate_mean_sd_trends(design) %>%
    # Fit the model
# Print everything except thetas
print(yeast_lgmr, pars = c("coefficients", "auxiliary"))
# Extract the mean of the model parameters posterior
yeast_lgmr_pars <- coef(yeast_lgmr, pars = 'all', simplify = TRUE)

Function for plotting the gamma regression for the mean-variance trend


Generates a scatter plot with the gamma regressions of the mean-variance trends without partitioning





The data to use for producing the plots.


a plot with the estimated mean-variance trend


# Produce a design matrix
design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + factor(rep(1:2, each = 3)))
colnames(design) <- paste0("ng", c(50, 100))

# Normalize and log transform the data
yeast_norm <- psrn(yeast, "identifier")

# Generate the plot
yeast_norm %>%
  calculate_mean_sd_trends(design) %>%

Function for plotting the mean-variance gamma regressions



Generates a scatter plot with the gamma regressions of the mean-variance trend. Can either be ran directly with plot_gamma_regression and inputing a design matrix, or with plot_gamma if the M-V trend has been added to the data with calculate_mean_sd_trends().


plot_gamma_regression(data, design)



The data to use for producing the plots.


A design matrix as produced by model.matrix.


a plot with the mean-variance trend before partitioning on the left side, and the right side after.


# Produce a design matrix
design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + factor(rep(1:2, each = 3)))
colnames(design) <- paste0("ng", c(50, 100))

# Normalize and log transform the data
yeast %>%
    # Remove missing data
    # Note that this could be replaced with imputation
    tidyr::drop_na() %>%
    # Normalize
    psrn("identifier") %>%

Plot the trend between the log fold-change and sigma, coloring significant hits



plot_sa returns a ggplot with a graphical representation between the log fold-change and sigma.


plot_sa(results, alpha = 0.05, lfc = NULL)



Output generated by baldur::infer_data_and_decision_model


Significance cut-off; used to draw a line indicating where significance starts


LFC cut-off; used to draw lines for abs(lfc), if NULL no lines are drawn


plot_sa returns a ggplot object


# Setup model matrix
design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + factor(rep(1:2, each = 3)))
colnames(design) <- paste0("ng", c(50, 100))

yeast_norm <- yeast %>%
# Remove missing data
  tidyr::drop_na() %>%
  # Normalize data
  psrn('identifier') %>%
  # Add mean-variance trends
# Fit the gamma regression
gam <- fit_gamma_regression(yeast_norm, sd ~ mean)
# Estimate each data point's uncertainty
unc <- estimate_uncertainty(gam, yeast_norm, "identifier", design)
yeast_norm <- gam %>%
   # Add hyper-priors for sigma
# Setup contrast matrix
contrast <- matrix(c(-1, 1), 2)

results <- yeast_norm %>%
  head() %>% # Just run a few for the example
    clusters = 1 # I highly recommend increasing the number of parallel workers/clusters
                 # this will greatly reduce the speed of running baldur
  # Plot with alpha = 0.05
  plot_sa(results, alpha = 0.05)
  # Plot with alpha = 0.01 and show LFC = 1
  plot_sa(results, alpha = 0.01, 1)

Plot the -log10(err) against the log fold-change



plot_volcano returns a ggplot with a graphical representation between the -log10(err) and LFC.


plot_volcano(results, alpha = 0.05, lfc = NULL)



Output generated by baldur::infer_data_and_decision_model


Significance cut-off; used to draw a line indicating where significance starts


LFC cut-off; used to draw lines for abs(lfc), if NULL no lines are drawn


plot_volcano returns a ggplot object


# Setup model matrix
design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + factor(rep(1:2, each = 3)))
colnames(design) <- paste0("ng", c(50, 100))

yeast_norm <- yeast %>%
# Remove missing data
  tidyr::drop_na() %>%
  # Normalize data
  psrn('identifier') %>%
  # Add mean-variance trends
# Fit the gamma regression
gam <- fit_gamma_regression(yeast_norm, sd ~ mean)
# Estimate each data point's uncertainty
unc <- estimate_uncertainty(gam, yeast_norm, 'identifier', design)
yeast_norm <- gam %>%
   # Add hyper-priors for sigma
# Setup contrast matrix
contrast <- matrix(c(-1, 1), 2)

results <- yeast_norm %>%
  head() %>% # Just run a few for the example
    clusters = 1 # I highly recommend increasing the number of parallel workers/clusters
                 # this will greatly reduce the speed of running baldur
  # Plot indicating where alpha = 0.05
  plot_volcano(results, alpha = 0.05)
  # Plot indicating where alpha = 0.01 and where LFC = 1
  plot_volcano(results, alpha = 0.01, 1)

Normalize data to a pseudo-reference



This function generates a pseudo-reference by taking the geometric mean of each peptide across all samples. Each peptide in each sample is then divided by the pseudo-reference. Then, the median ratio of all ratios is used as an estimate to use for normalizing differences in loading concentration. All features in each sample is then divided by their corresponding estimate. All estimates are based on features without missing values. For details see Anders and Huber (2010).


psrn(data, id_col, log = TRUE, load_info = FALSE, target = NULL)





a character for the name of the column containing the name of the features in data (e.g., peptides, proteins, etc.)


boolean variable indicating if the data should be log transformed after normalization


logical; should the load information be output?


target columns to normalize, supports tidyselect-package syntax. By default, all numerical columns will be used in the normalization if not specified.


data frame with normalized values if load_info=FALSE, if it is TRUE then it returns a list with two tibbles. One tibble containing the normalized data and one containing the loading info as well as the estimated normalization factors.



Simon Anders, Wolfgang Huber (2010). “Differential expression analysis for sequence count data.” Nature Precedings, 1–1.


yeast_psrn <- psrn(yeast, "identifier")
yeast_psrn_with_load <- psrn(yeast, "identifier", load_info = TRUE)
yeast_ng50_only <- psrn(yeast, "identifier", target = matches('ng50'))

Spiked-in data set of peptides


A dataset containing quantification of peptides using Progenesis. True positives peptides spiked-in from the Universal Proteomics Standard Set 1 (UPS1) at three different concentrations and true negatives from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii with the same concentration in all samples. You can find true positives with stringr::str_detect(ups$identifier, 'UPS'). For details see Berg et al. (2019) and if you use this dataset please cite the same paper.




A data frame with 10599 rows and 13 variables:


id column for features, true positives contains UPS and true negatives contains Cre


Technical replicates with true positives spiked-in from 25 fmol UPS1 peptides


Technical replicate with true positives spiked-in from 50 fmol UPS1 peptides


Technical replicate with true positives spiked-in from 100 fmol UPS1 peptides



Philip Berg, Evan W McConnell, Leslie M Hicks, Sorina C Popescu, George V Popescu (2019). “Evaluation of linear models and missing value imputation for the analysis of peptide-centric proteomics.” BMC bioinformatics, 20(2), 7–16.

Baldur's weakly informative prior for the mean in conditions


Here we will model the mean of the prior with a weakly informative (WI) prior. We will assume that, in essence, nothing is know about the mean. As such, for the WI prior, we use a normal prior on μ0\boldsymbol{\mu}_0 centered at zero and with a very large variance.



A stanmodel that can be used in infer_data_and_decision_model.


The Stan code for this model is given by:

S4 class stanmodel 'weakly_informative' coded as follows:
data {
  int<lower=0> N;     // number of data items
  int<lower=0> K;     // number of conditions
  int C;              // number of comparisons to perform
  matrix[N, K] x;     // design matrix
  vector[N] y;        // data
  matrix[K, C] c;     // contrast matrix
  real alpha;         // alpha prior for gamma
  real beta;          // beta prior for gamma
  vector[N] u;        // uncertainty
transformed data{
  vector[K] n_k;      // per condition measurements
  row_vector[C] n_c;  // per comparison measurements
  matrix[K, C] abs_c; // abs of C for n_c calculation
  for (i in 1:K) {
    for (j in 1:C) {
      abs_c[i, j] = abs(c[i, j]);
  for (i in 1:K) {
    n_k[i] = 1/sum(x[,i]);
  n_c = n_k' * abs_c;
  n_c = sqrt(n_c);
parameters {
  vector[K] mu;           // coefficients for predictors
  real<lower=0> sigma;    // error scale
  array[C] real y_diff;   // difference in coefficients
  vector[K] eta;          // Error in mean
  vector[K] prior_mu_not; // Estimation error
transformed parameters{
  row_vector[C] mu_diff = mu' * c;        // differences in means
  vector[C] sigma_lfc = sigma * n_c';     // variance of y_diff
model {
  sigma        ~ gamma(alpha, beta);                      // variance
  eta          ~ normal(0, 1);                            // NCP auxilary variable
  prior_mu_not ~ normal(0, 10);                           // prior mean
  mu           ~ normal(prior_mu_not + sigma*eta, sigma); // mean
  y            ~ normal(x * mu, sigma*u);                 // data model
  y_diff       ~ normal(mu_diff, sigma_lfc);              // difference statistic

Spiked-in data set of reversibly oxidized cysteines


A dataset containing quantification of reversibly oxidized cysteines using Progenesis. True positives cysteines spiked-in from yeast at two different concentrations and true negatives from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii with the same concentration in all samples. To identify true positives one can use stringr::str_detect(yeast$identifier, 'YEAST'). For details see Berg et al. (2019) and if you use this dataset please cite the same paper.




A data frame with 2235 rows and 7 variables:


id column for features, true positives contains YEAST and true negatives contains Cre


Biological replicates with true positives spiked-in from 50 ng yeast cells


Biological replicates with true positives spiked-in from 100 ng yeast cells



Philip Berg, Evan W McConnell, Leslie M Hicks, Sorina C Popescu, George V Popescu (2019). “Evaluation of linear models and missing value imputation for the analysis of peptide-centric proteomics.” BMC bioinformatics, 20(2), 7–16.